For a complete list of Dr. Yang E. Li’s publications, click here
Below is a list of representative peer-reviewed publications. (*co-first. #correspondence.)
M Yu*,#, NR Zemke*, Z Chen*, I Juric, R Hu, R Raviram, A Abnousi, R Fang, Y Zhang, DU Gorkin, YE Li, Y Zhao, L Lee, S Mishra, AD Schmitt, Y Qiu, DE Dickel, A Visel, LA Pennacchio, M Hu#, B Ren#. (2024) Integrative analysis of the 3D genome and epigenome in mouse embryonic tissues Nat Struct Mol Biol. DOI: |
J Liu*, S Cao*, KJ Imbach*, MA Gritsenko*, TSM Lih*, …, YE Li, …, MG Chheda#, KD Rodland#, T Liu#, L Ding#. (2024) Multi-scale signaling and tumor evolution in high-grade gliomas Cancer Cell. 42(7):1217-1238.E19. DOI: |
YE Li, S Preissl, M Miller, ND. Johnson, Z Wang, H Jiao, C Zhu, Z Wang, Y Xie, OB Poirion, A Pinto- Duarte, W Tian, K Siletti, N Emerson, J Osteen, J Lucero, L Lin, Q Yang, S Espinoza, Q Zhu, N Zemke, AM Yanny, J Nyhus, N Dee, T Casper, N Shapovalova, D Hirschstein, R Hodge, S Linnarsson, T Bakken, B Levi, CD Keene, J Shang, E Lein, A Wang, MM Behrens, JR Ecker, B Ren#. (2023) A comparative atlas of single-cell chromatin accessibility in the human brain Science. 13;382(6667):eadf7044. (highlighted by NIH, Nature, USA today, HealthDay, genomeweb, The Economist, Reuters, NPR, Fierce biotech, Endpoints News) |
YE Li*, S Preissl*, X Hou, Z Zhang, K Zhang, Y Qiu, OB Poirion, B Li, J Chiou, H Liu, A Pinto- Duarte, N Kubo, X Yang, R Fang, X Wang, JY Han, J Lucero, Y Yan, M Miller, S Kuan, D Gorkin, KJ Gaulton, Y Shen, M Nunn, EA Mukamel, MM Behrens, JR Ecker, B Ren#. (2021) An atlas of gene regulatory elements in adult mouse cerebrum Nature. 598(7879):129-136. (highlighted by Nature and NIH) |
S Teng*, YE Li*, M Yang, R Qi, Y Huang, Q Wang, Y Zhang, S Chen, S Li, K Lin, Y Cao, Q Ji, Q Gu, Y Cheng, Z Chang, W Guo, P Wang, I Garcia-Bassets, ZJ Lu#, D Wang#. (2020) Tissue-specific transcription reprogramming promotes liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. Cell Research. 30(1):34- 49. |
YE Li*, M Xiao*, B Shi*, YCT Yang, D Wang, F Wang, M Marcia and ZJ Lu. Identification of high-confidence RNA regulatory elements by combinatorial classification of RNA-protein binding sites. (2017) Genome Biology. 18:169. |
JT Li#, Y Li, S Klaus, DQ Rao, DM. Hillis and YP Zhang#. Diversification of rhacophorid frogs provides evidence for accelerated faunal exchange between India and Eurasia during the Oligocene. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110(9): 3441-3446. |